A ministry expansion campaign to "Grow in God's Goodness from Generation to Generation"
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
— Ephesians 3:20-21 —
Messiah is the place where our relationship with God is reflected in our commitment, love, and service to one another.
The vision for a new facility will expand existing ministries and provide new opportunities. With more meeting rooms we can better serve our Sunday school and the next generation of the Church, our youth; this will also give us the ability to expand our community outreach. Additionally, a multi-purpose room, larger kitchen, and nursery room will provide space for new ministries.
At its core, this campaign is more than a building…Growing in God’s Goodness is about living out our congregational vision. That vision is to:
“Look up, Look around, Look outward, and to faithfully share the Good News, equip God’s people to grow in faith, and welcome all into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ!”
Building Project Scope
Construct a new two-story structure and existing building renovations (without removing any of the existing building) that will include:
- Expanded narthex for community fellowship
- Larger kitchen for serving
- Youth rooms
- Additional classrooms for adult and youth learning
- Add more visitor restrooms
- Intuitive layout of building entrance, offices, and classrooms for ease of welcoming visitors
- New fellowship hall to be used for large events (i.e. Oktoberfest, annual picnic, retreats), which can also be rented out to the community
- Nursery near sanctuary
- Add and improve security systems with cameras and door access systems
Growing Opportunities for...
…Youth Ministry
The additional classrooms will be put to effective use for our daily, weekly and annual programs. This will provide us more space and flexibility for VBS, Sunday school, Pre-School, Adult Bible studies, and the new Messiah Christian Academy.
We will be able to expand our outreach ministry with more meeting places on our campus. As we look beyond ourselves to the people in our community, we will have welcoming spaces to use to address their needs, invite them into fellowship and help them experience the love of Jesus.
Next Steps
Take a moment with God to pray for the success of the campaign and ask God to guide you in your involvement.
Click Here to see a prayer calendar that will guide you in praying along with us for our Ministry Expansion Campaign
Consider what your sacrificial three-year financial commitment will look like for this capital campaign. This gift is over and above the amount you already give to support the church ministry, mission, and operations.
How would God put your gifts to use during this time? Prayerfully consider volunteering within our congregation, or serving our neighbors in need with love and compassion.
$2,500,500 Pledge Goal
More Information:
Campaign Cabinet:
Executive Team:
Campaign Director | Dave Johanson
Fulfillment Director | Will Branch
Campaign Manager | Nancy Butzek
Communications Manager | Barb Gietz
Julia Zilke | Communications Leader
Allen Trapp | Prayer Co-coordinator
Mignon Balas | Prayer Co-coordinator
Susan Lerch | Connection Coordinator
Dave Drevlow | Visitation Co-Coordinator
Will Branch | Visitation Co-Coordinator
Brandi Bucholz | Children’s Leader
Jason Bitting | Youth Leader
Alyssa Breuer | School Leader
Karen Fabean | Community Leader
Karen Shue | Hospitality Coordinator
Toffy Gietz | Launch Leader
Tony Welburn | Financial Coordinator
Contact the Team
We’re excited about what God has in store for Messiah Lutheran Church through this campaign. If you have any questions or input as you discern your participation, please feel free to reach out to the campaign team.