Upcoming Children’s (K-5) Events
Upcoming Youth (Middle & High School) Events
Join us weekly for…
Sunday School Classes
Sunday School meets regularly for all ages year-round, including in the summer! Messiah’s Sunday School classes are designed with everyone in mind and all begin at 9:45am. Come right to the preschool wing of the building and we will check you in and get your children to the right classroom!
A cheerful nursery staff keeps your babies and toddlers (under age 3) happy and loved–these children will hear a special lesson and music.
Bible-based classes are available for Kindergartners through 6th grade. Youth classes (Jr. High – High School) are Christ-centered and led by lay teachers. Our youth develop a positive bond with each other even though they attend different public and private schools.
Adults are also offered Bible classes on varying topics led by pastors and lay teachers. Coffee is plentiful and discussion lively.
The Gathering (Wednesday Night Ministry)
Join us every Wednesday night for dinner and fellowship at The Gathering from 5:30—6:15 pm. Drop-in dinners are simple and delicious for a suggested donation of $4 per person or $15 per family. After dinner stay for a 60-minute Bible study. Other activities are offered for children ages 3—12 during the adult study.
At Messiah it is our hope and intent to:
- Present a Personal Christ – Jesus is the Savior of the world! And He’s the Savior of YOUR world. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Helping youth and families identify with a personal God goes beyond memorizing doctrinal statements. It involves a life that is changed by God’s love and develops the daily response to His love in our actions and our service toward those to whom we reach out.
- Teach a Grace Orientation – We believe that living under God’s grace means we believe what God has done FOR us and promises to do FOR us – not a life trying to gain acceptance by our “good life.” If a grace-oriented relationship with God is not modeled and taught in the home, the tendency of children and youth is to see Christianity as a religion of expectations, demands or requirements.
- Teach Parents How to Pray with Their Children – Children learn to pray best when they pray with their primary caregivers and experience firsthand that prayer is a valued spiritual discipline.
- Teach Moral Responsibility – Developing morally responsible youth and adults is vital. Society’s messages that emphasize self-gratification and self-enhancement have given us disastrous results. We need to be intentional with respect to raising young people with strong morals and model this behavior to them.
- Welcome Ethnic Diversity – By the year 2020, one out of two Americans will be from an ethnic minority. From then on, the minority group will be those who previously have been the white majority. Children, youth and families need to anticipate this day by learning how to welcome into their friendships and fellowship those who come from other cultures and ethnic groups.
- Involve Youth in Service – Developing a service orientation in faith-focused Christian education is important for many reasons. Serving others follows Christ’s example. Serving others is an attitude that “goes against the societal current.” And service often develops valuable leadership skills.
- Involve Youth in Mission Outreach – Mission is a step beyond service in that it also reaches out with a gospel message. It involves communicating a concern that others may come to believe in Jesus Christ. Service and mission are often the “connect” that brings young people’s faith alive. This is true for families as well.
- Teach Christian Rituals – In partnership with the home, a Christian education program should provide training for adults in the rituals and traditions of the Christian community and should teach them how to create family traditions of faith for the home.
Check out these resources:
RightNow Media – MESSIAH’S GIFT TO YOU: FREE Access to RightNow Media – a streaming service (like Netflix or Youtube) that allows you to view Christian videos and Bible Studies for everyone – Kids, Youth, Parents, Married Couples, College Students, Single Adults, Working Professionals – all aimed at helping you grow. Just contact the church office to get access!
www.jcparentzone.com (Lutheran Hour Ministries)